Welcome to the Watson Library


Library Policies

Students visit the library once a week with their class to listen to a story, practice library skills, and check out books. Kindergarteners check out one book. First, second, third, and fourth graders may check out three or more books. Books are due back the following week during their class library time. Books must be returned in order to check out new books. Overdue notices will be sent home periodically.

Students are expected to be respectful and courteous to one another and to adults. The library was designed for the children to find, read, and share books, or use a computer. Students are encouraged to work together in a relaxed, independent atmosphere. Therefore, students who are loud, or otherwise abuse this rule, will sit quietly at the tables.

Accidents happen. We know this. Most children are responsible, but if a book becomes damaged, we stress that it is the student’s responsibility to inform us and, if necessary, replace a book that gets damaged while in their care.

Book selection is a fun time in the library, but there are several factors that need to be kept in mind. First of all, it is important to remember that our school houses pre-school through fourth grade advanced. Not every book in the Watson Library is appropriate for every child. Also, family standards vary greatly. These two factors, varying standards and varying ages, sometimes make it a challenge to match books and children.  In the library we discuss book selection guidelines with the children. The children are taught that before checking out a book they should examine it to be sure they will enjoy it and that it is an appropriate choice.

Please remember that we consider book selection extremely important. If we have a concern that a book may not be appropriate we will not allow checkout of the questionable book until the parent has been contacted. If a parent does not want their child to check out a specific type of book, they should discuss that choice with their child. If a student does select a book which they do not like or that the parent does not feel is appropriate, please have the child return the book the next day before school and select another.

Please feel free to contact the library at any time.

Young Hoosier Book Award

The Young Hoosier Book Award (YHBA) program, established by the Indiana Library Federation, is intended to promote recreational reading among Indiana students. Each year, the YHBA committee selects 20 books for the Picture Book list for grades K-2 and 20 books for the Intermediate list for grades 3-5.

1st and 2nd graders at Watson will have the 20 picture books read to them during their library class and will vote sometime in February.

Library Happenings

bucket of stuff